Patañjali's Yogasūtra II.13 | Explained By Viniyoga® Expert Dr Kausthub Desikachar

Yogasūtra II.13 - sati mūle tad-vipākaḥ jāti-āyuḥ bhogāḥ

As long as [afflictions] are at the root [of actions], their consequences affect [our] state of life, duration and experiences.

The afflictions usually lead to faulty choices and execution of actions. They will influence our attitudes and behaviour during and after the action. These will in turn influence further actions and so the cycle of Karma continues.

Excerpt from Truth Unclouded by TKV Desikachar & Dr Kausthub Desikachar

Dr. Kausthub Desikachar is the successor and current lineage holder of the classical Yoga tradition of T Krishnamacharya & TKV Desikachar. He is an acclaimed yoga teacher, yoga therapist, healer and spiritual adviser. His objectives include the sharing of the authentic teachings of Yoga to the modern era, as well as building bridges between different healing modalities to promote physical, emotional social and spiritual health.

For more information on his work and teachings, kindly visit or or

Apart from Yoga Teaching, Kausthub is also an avid photographer, inspirational writer and poet. To view, some of his inspirations, visit the website