Yogācārya T Kṛṣṇamācārya performing Ardha-baddha-padma-paścimatānāsana | Circa 1934
“śarīramādyam khalu dharma sādhanam” - In order to fulfil your dharma, first start with the body.
In Yogic understanding, the body is the temple or home of the divine consciousness (Paramātma) and should therefore be treated with great respect. For this reason, the Yogin-s of the past stated that maintaining our body in holistic health is our primary dharma. In order to fulfil our potentials and life purpose, we should keep it in pristine health, not just at the surface level, but also at more subtle layers. The science of Yoga offers different tools that address and support the human structure at different layers of our existence. Äsana-s were developed by the classical Yogin-s to vitalize the body as well as keep it healthy and free it of different kinds of toxins.
To master Āsana-s, it is not enough to just learn their techniques and merely practice them as physical fitness exercises. Rather, Yogin-s understood that a range of holistic methods should be integrated into their practices so that the different postures would become potent for an individual and render their complete benefits.
These special methods include the appropriate sequencing of the steps to reach each Āsana, utilization of potent breathing techniques (Prāṇa-prayoga), special energetic locks (Mudrā-s & Bandha-s) where necessary, appropriate symbolic gazes (Dṛṣṭi-s) suited for each pose, and of course the utilization of Mantra-s.
Integrating them into practice would not only bring deeper experiences of the postures, but also bring a host of effects that can help us master the body, so that it can faithfully serve in our own journey of personal evolution.
It is essential for every sincere Yoga student, and, more importantly, every Yoga teacher, to explore the various possibilities that the human body can achieve, and thereby allow for a better expression of its potential to serve us in fulfilling our Dharma.
This 52 week immersion course has been planned to lead healthy and sincere practitioners, step by step, into the evolution of classical Āsana practice, strengthening it progressively each week.
It is designed in such a manner that serious Yoga practitioners, even those who have learnt and practiced challenging Āsana-s for a long time, will be able to discover new life in the practice. Āsana-s of all levels will be explored and practiced in a progressive manner. It will also be very helpful to Yoga Teachers, to understand how classical Āsana needs to be introduced in an appropriate and progressive manner. The program will allow each participant to explore their body in different positions and gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.
Mode of Study
Each week on every Sunday a document will be uploaded into the resource centre of this course, which will be in the form of a handwritten practice. Participants can download this course and practice it for a week. The next Sunday a new practice will be uploaded, which can then be downloaded and practiced for the following week. This procedure will be repeated each week till week 52 of 2021.
Each practice will contain simple stick drawings, breath instructions, and the number of repetitions for each sequence. Any other instructions that are relevant will also be written down in the document.
All practices will be designed by Viniyoga lead instructor Dr. Kaustubha Desikachar, and will be in English.
Prior to uploading the first practice, participants will be invited to a group Zoom event, where the guidelines on practice and how to understand the practice sheets will be explained.
For Best Results
For best results we ask you to consider the following seriously:
1) It is strongly recommended that you practice under the guidance of your Viniyoga mentor so that appropriate modifications can be suggested whenever needed. If you don’t have a Viniyoga mentor, we advise you to find one here - https://khyf-international.com/en/registry/
2) It is suggested that these practices be done only one time per day. Preferably at dawn. If you are unable to wake up at dawn, we suggest you practice it before breakfast or at least two hours after breakfast. If you already have a private practice recommended by your mentor, you should have at least three hours between the two practices.
3) It is recommended that you have a Vegetarian diet. If you are a consumer of meat, we recommend that you consume meat not more than twice a week for best results.
4) It is recommended that you go to bed early, so that you are able to rise early for the practice.
5) It is also recommended not to be under the influence of intoxicants like tobacco, alcohol or any other drugs that may alter your state of mind.
6) It is recommended that you take time and space to fit these practices in your daily schedule, and not do it in a rush.
Please Note | The above are only suggestions and you are at your own discretion to follow them or not. However, you must understand that for the best results, following these guidelines would be most helpful.
Please Note Carefully | Each practitioner is responsible for their own health, and must practice not only under the guidance of their mentor, but also with full self-awareness of their body limitations. They must not push themselves beyond what the body allows, as Yoga is meant to be a spiritual practice and not a narcissistic exercise. This is why the guidance of your mentor is strongly recommended. If you harm yourself by pushing yourself beyond your capacity, we are not responsible for any damages that you may incur on yourself. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, kindly discuss with us honestly with full details, before signing up for the course. If you have doubts about understanding these points, consider that you are not ready to engage in this immersion course.
Investment - €50 per month
Payments can be made through Bank Transfer using IBAN or Paypal or Credit Card.
All Paypal and Credit Card payments will be charged only in Singapore Dollars (S$85 including Processing Fee). Interested participants can kindly send your Full name, Mailing Address and Email to info@viniyoga.com.sg
Payments can also be made in the following other currencies through Bank Transfer - British £ (£45) | Australian $ (A$80) | New Zealand $ (NZ$90)
Once we receive your email, we will start sending the invoices at the beginning of each month.
Please note that owing to the COVID-19 Crisis, this special price is offered. We are well aware of the financial stress this Coronavirus Crisis is causing to all around the world and we want to be of support. We hope all of you will take the chance to benefit from this special offer and invite you to join this very special course.