Patañjali's Yogasūtra I.51

Yogasūtra I.51 - tasya-api nirodhe sarva-nirodhāt-nirbījaḥ samādhiḥ

Finally, if ever,

When even these [new patterns based on the new clarity] are dissolved, owing to the dissolution of all [patterns], the mind reaches Nirbīja-samādhi, the seedless absorption.

Such a comprehension is not sought. It comes through sustained practice and detachment. And when it happens, nothing can prevent it.

This is the highest state of Yoga, and cannot be described by words, or perceived by senses. Only those who have reached this stage can comprehend it.

Apart from Yoga Teaching, Kausthub is also an avid photographer, inspirational writer and poet. To view, some of his inspirations, visit the website