Patañjali's Yogasūtra II.34 | Explained By Viniyoga® Expert Dr Kausthub Desikachar

Yogasūtra II.34 - vitarkā-hiṁsā-ādayaḥ-kṛta-kārita-anumoditāḥ lobha-krodha- moha-pūrvakāḥ mṛdu-madhya-adhimātrāḥ duḥkha-ajñāna- ananta-phalāḥ iti pratipakṣa-bhāvanam

Negative [attitudes or] actions [are those that are damaging], such as violence, [lying, stealing,] etc., whether acted out ourselves, achieved through another, or when we condone what is done by others. [They are] rooted in greed, anger and delusion, be it to a mild, moderate or intense degree. Their consequences are [almost always] endless suffering and ignorance. Hence we must resolve to [develop] the opposite mental attitude.

The negative feelings or impulses (vitarkā) are the opposites of the individual Yama-s and Niyama-s. They include violence, lying, stealing, infidelity, hoarding, impurity, lust, narcissism, egoism and impiety. These are based in lower instincts and lead us away from our goal of seeking liberation. Rather than feel we are a victim and blame others, which is also a lower instinct response, we must cultivate the opposite attitude and turn away from the influences of such negativity.

Excerpt from Truth Unclouded, The Yogasūtra-s of Patañjali by TKV Desikachar with Dr Kausthub Desikachar. If you wish to purchase a copy, please visit

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Dr Kausthub Desikachar is the successor and current lineage holder of the classical Viniyoga tradition of T Krishnamacharya & TKV Desikachar. He is an acclaimed yoga teacher, yoga therapist, healer and spiritual adviser. His objectives include the sharing of the authentic teachings of Yoga to the modern era, as well as building bridges between different healing modalities to promote physical, emotional social and spiritual health.

He is the founder of Viniyoga Pte. Ltd. and also the co-founder of Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation, India, and founder and president of Europe based, KHYF International.

He is also currently the seniormost trainer of the Viniyoga tradition and offers Viniyoga® Yoga Teacher Training and also Viniyoga® Yoga Therapy Training all over the world. Being focused on quality, rather than quantity, Dr Kausthub Desikachar usually only offers one batch in a location, rather than do multiple ones in the same venue. These training programs are so popular that there is usually a waiting list to sign up and is often attended by students from multiple countries.

Dr Kausthub Desikachar is a champion of women’s empowerment and guides many of his female students to embody their strength. To view his interviews with Viniyoga Women, visit this page here -

He also offers a Mantra blog, where students can listen to different Mantras from the Vedic Tradition. To benefit from this, visit here -

Dr. Kausthub Desikachar also assists many clients in their healing journey that includes mental health issues. He regularly writes articles on Mental Health issues and these can be found here -

Being an amazing Yoga Therapist and Spiritual guide, Dr Kausthub Desikachar also offers insightful mentoring through private consultations, which can be taken either face-to-face or online. To book a session with him, kindly visit his private consultations page by clicking here>

Apart from Yoga Teaching, Kausthub is also an avid photographer, inspirational writer and poet. To view, some of his inspirations, visit the website

To view his other Yoga teaching page, visit here