Yoga Therapy Training & Certification in Singapore | Viniyoga

The Viniyoga® Therapy programme is one of the most advanced Yoga training courses in the world. Encompassing the teachings of Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, Viniyoga® allows practitioners to leverage on a wide range of Yoga tools and techniques to develop a tailored approach for every individual. 

This advanced therapy training certification offers a complex understanding of the holistic principles of yoga as a complementary healing system. If you are looking to become a certified yoga therapist in Singapore or elsewhere in the world; or simply to develop individualised therapy processes for others and yourself, this training programme will help you achieve just that.

Our Yoga Teacher Training program might suit you better if you are interested in advancing your Yoga knowledge to teach others in non-therapeutic settings.

Get A Yoga Therapy Certification in 1,000 Hours

Even if you are not looking to become a professional Yoga teacher, Yoga teaching can be a fulfilling experience. Expanding your knowledge of this holistic art with an in-depth training programme can help you explore your spirituality further and open up doors to sharing the love of Yoga with more like-minded people. Whether you want to become a certified Yoga therapist, taking up an advanced course will definitely benefit your spiritual journey.

This 1,000-hour training plan is delivered by long-term students of Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, and guided by the tutelage of his Viniyoga® teachings. Following the holistic and classical teachings of Professor Sri T Krishnamacharya, this exhaustive training will:

  • Present the most important principles of Viniyoga Therapy as a self-empowering, holistic and complementary system of health

  • Provide comprehensive training in the understanding and application of the vast array of tools that Viniyoga offers to address a wide range of health concerns in a holistic manner

  • Help the trainee understand and learn how to implement the one-to-one approach to the healing paradigm of Viniyoga. 

  • Explore the role of Viniyoga in developing and supporting a wellness-oriented lifestyle

  • Educate on professional and ethical standards under which Viniyoga Therapy must be practised

  • Assist in providing a safe environment to facilitate the trainees in the often challenging journey of personal and spiritual development, as well as the evolution of their own unique strengths as healers

At the end of the course, successful graduates will be issued with Viniyoga® certification, accredited by the Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation (KHYF). Graduates can also apply to be recognised by the Indian Yoga Association. 

Equip yourself with advanced Viniyoga® therapy and training skills in Singapore now.

Join Our Yoga Therapy Training

Drawing from time-honoured traditions, Viniyoga® offers a fresh perspective to today's yoga disciplines. It champions personal empowerment, spiritual evolution, and targeted therapy methods. Viniyoga® harmoniously bridges ancient wisdom with contemporary health perspectives. A hallmark of its ethos is the revered bond between guru and student, focusing on custom-made training that respects individual wellness journeys and life transitions. Dr. Kausthub Desikachar extends his expertise through specialised Viniyoga® consultations, curating unique yogic paths for students around the globe, addressing life's hurdles and their personal development goals.

Ready to transform your life through the authentic teachings of Viniyoga®? Dive deeper into a holistic healing journey with our Yoga Therapy Training Course. Embrace the true essence of yoga under the guidance of Dr. Kausthub Desikachar. Contact us today and embark on a path of self-discovery and well-being. Join now!




Oreste Prada, San Diego, USA

About Dr Kausthub Desikachar

Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, an esteemed yoga instructor and Viniyoga therapist, embarked on his yoga training under the mentorship of his legendary grandfather, T Krishnamacharya, and his father, TKV Desikachar. Inspired by his father at just 9 years old, he commenced his yoga teachings at 13. Over the years, he has travelled extensively, deepening his knowledge. Today, not only does he blend Yoga, Ayurveda, and Psychology, but he also incorporates wisdom from traditional healers across the globe. His approach provides a nurturing path, guiding individuals towards achieving holistic well-being and inner harmony.


  • Became child-faculty at age thirteen, teaching children and those with intellectual disabilities.

  • Obtained a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga from Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram (KYM) between 1997-2000.

  • Founded KYM-Mitra in 2001, aiming to extend yoga to the socially and economically underprivileged..

  • Completed doctoral studies (2004-2011) at the University of Madras, with research on "Effect of Individualised Yoga Training on Quality of Life."

  • Co-founded the Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation (KHYF) in 2006 alongside his father, TKV Desikachar. 

  • In 2016, following his father's passing, founded KHYF International as a non-profit organisation

  • In 2019, he established Viniyoga Singapore to cater to the rising demand for Viniyoga in various Asian countries.