Viniyoga Honours Women
Dr Kausthub Desikachar teaching women students in Belgium. 2015. Photograph © Kausthub Desikachar
“Women have a special right to practice Yoga,” proclaimed our ancestor the great Yogi Nathamuni. Consistent with this message he dedicated an entire section in his text, the Yoga Rahasya, on the topic of yoga for women and especially highlighted the role of practice during pregnancy.
The Viniyoga® tradition has always been a pioneer in opening the doors of Yoga beyond any gender discrimination. Our founder Acarya T Krishnamacharya went against the tradition of his time and taught Yoga to women, including his wife, his daughters and the renowned Indra Devi, among other students. This was revolutionary in the 1930s, a time when most Yoga practitioners were men.
His son and successor, Sri TKV Desikachar, was no different. He respected and acknowledged the immense role women played in society and encouraged them to empower themselves in their own path of self-discovery and expansion. Many of Sri TKV Desikachar’s students were women and they became important messengers of the Viniyoga tradition worldwide.
At the Krishnamacharya Healing & Yoga Foundation, the umbrella organization that represents the Viniyoga® tradition worldwide, founded by Sir TKV Desikachar, we continue to promote these principles. Our staff is comprised primarily of women and our spiritual Head is none other than Mrs Menaka Desikachar, currently the senior-most teacher of our tradition, a woman of natural authority and dynamism, a role model and inspiration for so many students and Yoga practitioners worldwide. Under her mentoring, the KHYF is a safe sanctuary for women to come, learn, practice and evolve into their best potential.
We had conducted a survey in the year 2017 and here are some FACTS concerning women in our organization
75% of KHYF's teachers comprise women
80% of KHYF's staff comprise women
92% of KHYF Yoga Therapy Belgium batch comprise women students
92% of KHYF Yoga Therapy India Batch comprise women students
96% of KHYF Yoga Therapy China Group in India comprise women students
90% of KHYF Yoga Therapy China Batch in China are women students
68% of KHYF Yoga Teacher Training Batch in India are women students
86% of KHYF Vedic Chant Training Batch in India comprise women students
88% of KHYF's retreats in India comprise women students
63% of KHYF's One to One Therapy classes comprise women students
Under the guidance of Mrs. Menaka Desikachar and KHYF's International Council of Patrons, Dr Kausthub Desikachar, the current lineage holder of the Viniyoga® tradition worldwide, continues to guide and help women evolve in their spiritual journey in a sanctum of peace and strength.
Dr Kausthub Desikachar is a champion of women’s empowerment and guides many of his female students to embody their strength. To view his interviews with Viniyoga Women, visit this page here -