Anyone can do it
Whether you are young or old, fit or unfit, religious or atheist, anybody can benefit from the practice of mantras. Even people with impaired speech can recite mantras mentally. Those that fear religious content can always use mantras that are connected with forces of nature (sun, moon, stars, the forest, etc) or use mantras that stress certain themes (removal of fear, faith in oneself, compassion, etc). Mantra practices will make us feel lighter and connected and they can be chanted everywhere and by everybody.
You connect to the roots of Yoga
The Vedic mantraswere not written by human beings, they are apaurusheya, meaning they were received from divine source in deep states of meditation. There is no authorship with Vedic mantras. The way and ritual in which the mantras were recited in the past connected you to the Rishi who first received the mantra as well as to the seed syllables within the mantras and to what we call as it’s Shakti- it’s inherent power. Therefore when reciting mantras you directly connect back to the Yogic tradition and the distinct divine energy that is revealed through the vibration of the mantra. Like this, you are linking yourself back to the very roots of Yoga and tap into something that is incredibly ancient, pure and powerful.
You create a new positive pattern of vibration within you
Sound is known as the most fundamental part of matter and therefore the most fundamental part of you! In Yoga and Samkhya philosophy, this most fundamental part of matter is called ?abda tanmatra. According to these two Vedic philosophies, all elements as well as our senses are made up of this subtlemost part of matter. From a modern perspective, if we look at the human being in it’s atomic structure, we understand that we are nothing else than vibrating atoms. Albert Einstein confirmed this by saying: „Everything in life is vibration“. Depending on the speed of atoms, objects appear in our eye as solid, liquid or gas. Vedic Chanting introduces pure and high frequency sounds to our system that can change our overall vibration. Dis-eases can be altered and negative thought patterns (which reflect nothing else than also a vibration) can be changed.
You will feel more healthy
The Vedic tradition offers a multitude of different mantras, which also include healing mantras. Some of them address ailments in the body, some of them address diseases in the emotions or the mind. Mantras also help us to feel more calm and at peace, more centered and less stressed.
You learn some of the most powerful chants of the Vedic tradition
In ancient times mantras were referred to as „ Vedabhede guhyavade mantrakhya? “, which means secret words from the cave in the heart. It reflects that for many centuries the transmission of these mantras was done in secret to keep their powerful impact to selected few. There are many mantras in the world, but Vedic mantras were for centuries only recited and learnt by male Brahmins as they are considered sacred and divine. We are fortunate that our acharya T. Krishnamacharya opened the doors of Vedic Chanting to everyone, so that mantras can be learnt by all sincere seekers, independent of gender, caste or nationality, today.
Mantras are timeless
Before hours and seconds existed, Yogic practitioners had to find a measurement for the duration of their ?sana or pr???y?ma or meditation practice. Remember that in the times we talk of, watches and clocks did not yet exist. So the Yogis used mantras to measure the duration. While inhaling they were reciting a mantra, while exhaling they were reciting a mantra. In meditation they would repeat a mantra (mantra japa). Additionally, our acharya T.Krishnamacharya stressed that any Yoga practice should be practiced samantraka, which means with mantra, as it accentuates and strengthens the effect of any Yogic practice.
You will feel energized
According to the old scriptures, mantras are the only tool that is actually able to generate life force, pr??a, and can manifest matter into being. In our modern times when many people suffer from burn-out and chronic fatigue, mantras create new ways of energy distribution and can help create energy. Many of our trainees from the Vedic Chant training tell us how even their appetite was strongly affected by chanting every day (you feel you can suddenly eat like an elephant!) and how much their digestion and general energy improved.
You will connect to yourself and others
One of the most remarkable experiences in any of our training programs is that it connects you to people from around the world who also enjoy delving deeply into the Yogic teachings. But Vedic Chanting offers even more than that. In Sanskrit Vedic Chanting is referred to as Adhyayanam, which literally means a journey back to the Self. What it reveals is a journey back to your soul, the innermost and eternal part of yourself. It’s a journey to the essence of your own sound, the symphony of your soul. It’s the journey all Yogis strive for in their life and chanting will accompany and softly lead you on that journey back into your own heart.
Article by Evelyn Einhaeuser
Our VEDIC CHANT TEACHER TRAINING commences on 4th February 2019 in Chennai, India. For more information on how to join this course, kindly contact: