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Patañjali's Yogasūtra II.9 | Explained by Viniyoga® expert Dr Kausthub Desikachar

Yogasūtra II.9 - svarasa-vāhī viduṣaḥ-api samārūḍhaḥ-abhiniveśaḥ

Insecurity is an inherent feeling [of fear of loss, of life or something precious], deeply rooted in all, [and exists] even in the wise.

Abhiniveśa is the fifth affliction and perhaps the most deeply rooted. It may come from past experiences, either from our own lifetime, or those inherited from our ancestors, or, for those who believe in reincarnation, from past lives.

It does not disappear even when we are fully aware that death is imminent, and is perhaps the most difficult affliction to overcome. Indeed, Patañjali reminds us that it exists even in the wise. However, knowing that it is one of the sources of affliction, we must try not to act based on fear.

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Yogasūtra II.9 - svarasa-vāhī viduṣaḥ-api samārūḍhaḥ-abhiniveśaḥ Dr Kaustubha Desikachar

Dr. Kausthub Desikachar is the successor and current lineage holder of the classical Yoga tradition of T Krishnamacharya & TKV Desikachar. He is an acclaimed yoga teacher, yoga therapist, healer and spiritual adviser. His objectives include the sharing of the authentic teachings of Yoga to the modern era, as well as building bridges between different healing modalities to promote physical, emotional social and spiritual health.

For more information on his work and teachings, kindly visit or or

Apart from Yoga Teaching, Kausthub is also an avid photographer, inspirational writer and poet. To view, some of his inspirations, visit the website