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Patañjali's Yogasūtra I.43

Yogasūtra I.43 - smṛti-pariśuddhau svarūpa-śūnya-iva-artha-mātra-nirbhāsā nirvitarkā |

As Savitarka-samāpatti is sustained,

When memory is completely purified, and there is an absence of awareness of the Self, and only the object of focus glows, this is Nirvitarka-Samāpatti [the second stage.]

In the second level, the object is still gross. However, the mix of ideas based on past experiences, latent impressions or imagination, ceases. Understanding of the object is based only on the connection to it at the present moment, with no other interferences. Then there is pure perception of the gross object.

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Yogasūtra I.43 - smṛti-pariśuddhau svarūpa-śūnya-iva-artha-mātra-nirbhāsā nirvitarkā Dr Kausthub Desikachar